Well another week has gone by. This week was a pretty crazy one because the aftershocks were still happening here in Ecuador. On Wednesday and Thursday we felt like 4 of them that were actaully pretty strong. All of the investigators are doing alright. Everyone is safe and most of the people are back in Guayaquil again, so that is great! The members are all doing really well also. We had a family home evening that was great last night with the Bishop. It was a lot of fun and we ate some great food. This week we ate a encebollado that was really good. It is one of the best things I have eaten here in Ecuador.
I guess that where the Earthquake happened is still a pretty ugly scene. The keep on finding more people that have died, but they continue to save people aswell.
I bought a pretty big Ecuadorian flag this week, so I thought I would take some pictures of it, and I also won in Monopoly today, so I took a picture haha. Well I hope that everyone has a great week!
Love, Elder Sorensen